Saturday, February 9, 2013


" From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. " John 1:16 

Today this resonates with me. I am feeling particularly fallible this morning, too aware that I do not have enough of me to go around. Everything seems like too much. The morning needs to be taken in small bite size pieces to be endured. I am thinking of my thankful list.....ugh. So I read a blog entry by Ann Voscamp.

Jesus must have known I would.

I cried through the whole thing and was reminded again that I don't have to do it all. That I am not perfect and that is OK. That Jesus, my wonderful, complete, perfect Prince Charming loves me with all my outbursts, unfinished lists, piles of laundry and missing gloves. I am reminded that I can't do it all, that I never was expected to.....and I am reminded of my need for grace.

Giving up has always brought me enormous freedom. Not giving up trying to do my up trying to be perfect. Trying to do it all, with no mistakes, all the time and in all places...... for everyone! I run myself into a wall time and time again. Smash. Against the brick, and it always hurts! You would think I would learn, I hope I will! The wall never gets any softer.....

That's where His grace comes in, when I realize I can't do it and I need Him. That I am not perfect ( I never was! ) and I will not travel through this life successfully without His grace. To accomplish all my tasks, value the people around me as His creations, and be in a place of Communion with Him, ready to do His will as He calls more than I can do alone.

And I was never meant to be! His grace is the fuel to my day...His love, my life preserver. Without Him I fall flat. I remember this and ....

I am thankful

1. For the bright sun this morning....
2. For a shovelled driveway
3. For my Jesus
4. For His grace
5. For His love
6. and for His patience with me everyday....

From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. " John 1:16 


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