Sunday, December 4, 2011

I Lost Jesus’ Birthday Cake Under the Appetizers.

This is not meant to be depressing; rather my attempt to give you an opportunity to, if need be, learn from my mistakes.

     It started like this… in December of 2010, two weeks before Christmas, I had started going back to school. A flurry of administrative activities, resulting from my new academics, and a rushed exam consumed all my time. In the back of my mind I worried that my children were missing the joys of the season. The usual build up of excitement was missing. Comments reached my ears from my children  
“It doesn’t feel like Christmas”.
It was as if they knew something was out of place, not right with the joy of the season, but they couldn’t put their fingers on what it was.

      Guilt would assail me each time I would pass our advent calendar. 1 week behind. ….. 2 weeks behind …… later I told myself, I would have time to celebrate Christmas later. There was still opportunity to catch up.

     My school wrapped up. However, instead of slowing down to enjoy the season with my family, I took up another task. Preparing for our annual Christmas party!
Off I went again! This time consumed with baking and cooking.
Just one more batch… will there be enough?

      It was while I was driving my kids in the car, listening to a child’s story on the radio, that it hit me. Beautiful strains of Hark the Harold Angels Sing and Emmanuel filled my car. It was as if the Lord reached down, in the middle of my frantic pace, and touched my heart,
    “ This is how much I love you, I sent my Son for you.”

   Tears filled my eyes. Gratitude that I had not felt in a long while overwhelmed me.

     “Oh my Lord, I’ve missed it. The whole point of Christmas. How could I have let this happen?”

     All I wanted to do was get off the treadmill and worship, just worship. To thank my Lord and Father for his gift so incredibly special, so beautiful, for me, for everyone.
  I wish I could say that I turned over a new leaf at that point. How I slowed down, that my party was filled with thanksgiving to Him. Not to the food.

I couldn’t do it. I failed completely. Not only did I become an incredibly angry, busy mother hours before the party, reducing my children to tears.  I managed to convey to my family. Those I love most. That this was MY special day, and that they should support and help with the party for ME.  I had managed to convince my family that we were celebrating Jesus’ birthday for me. In tears, I realized I had gotten so sucked into the pace of entertaining that I had pulled my family's attention off the season and onto me.

   Hot, fresh appetizers were rotated around to my guest all evening, but I forgot to thaw the boxed birthday cake I had made for the children. I couldn’t get off the treadmill I had been running on. The worship at the party was limp at best; a dear friend stepped in to save the day and lead singing. However I had rushed the song sheets and Santa songs just didn’t cut it.  All I wanted at that time was to fill my home with adoration and thanksgiving for the miracle of Jesus’ birth.

I felt like I had prepared Jesus’ birthday party for Him but had forgotten to bring a present. Worse. I had forgotten to invite Him.

I don’t want to leave my readers on a down note, the rest of the season picked up from there. I slowed down. My family came together and we enjoyed our time over the following week.

This year has been different for us. So far our home is only partially decorated and we don’t have a tree up. This will come, but I am not rushing it.  But family, friends and time to be excited about the season is growing in our home. My hope is that those that come to my home this year find a place of thankfulness and adoration. I still get wrapped up in business, but I am watching for it and I slow down a lot sooner. My guests, whoever they may be this year, will…. I hope, find Peace ,Joy and His love at our home. Less fresh appetizers, a homemade birthday cake, and a very present guest of honor.

Blessings to you all!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Blog take 2

I've edited my original post in Heart's Ease and Thyme....I like this one better!

let me know what you think!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A song which cries for my heart as David's Psalms do......

Everything to Me -
He's more than a story,
More than words on a page of history
He's the Air that I breathe,
The Water I thirst for,
And the Ground beneath my feet --
He's Everything...
Everything to Me...
[ Lyrics from: ]
We're living in uncertain times,
And more and more, I find
That I'm aware of just
How fragile life can be...
I want to tell the world I've found
A love that turned my life around -
They need to know
That they can taste and see...
Now every day, I'm praying
Just to give my heart away
I want to live for Jesus
So that someone else might see that He is...

More lyrics:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011



   Ahh, Grace, ….it can be one of the hardest things for me to receive, or to be honest, give, at times.  This time it was receiving that was my struggle.
      I honestly felt deep in my gut that I had wrecked Christmas. I was so caught up in the business of my life, and then in the desire to “make” Christmas special for my family. I just about destroyed the beauty of the season!
Or so I thought…..
      I had asked forgiveness of almost everyone I could think of… grieved over the damage I had done. I had listened to the Lord, or rather cried extensively at the Lord about my failings through the Christmas season. I know prayer is supposed to be a conversation between us and the Lord , mine resembled a toddler wailing that their favorite toy was broken. I then immaturely, did the equivalent of sticking my spiritual fingers in my ears in order to block out His forgiveness.
I mean, how could I receive His forgiveness when I so obviously had blown something I could not fix, Christmas was over right?

     This is when a beautiful woman, the last on my list to grovel in front of, gave me a beautiful gift. Grace and forgiveness.

      To be honest, I had not committed my biggest sin toward her, I’ve done worse believe me. But her kindness and love,… grace really…, melted my heart enough, just enough.. to let God in. It literally felt like a physical burn in my chest like ripping a band aid off a wound that has begun to fester. It needed to be exposed, to let the fresh air and medicine in. It was then that the Lord reminded me of something he had shown me a while ago that I had forgotten.

     I have been brought like a “good Christian girl” to know that God loved me so much that he sent his Son to die for me, a gift in order to pay for my sins, a gift I do not deserve. I got that ,… in my head at least. To be honest I had kind of tuned out when others would talk about the precious gift of God’s Son dying on the cross. Blah blah blah was my emotional reaction. I knew God had done this for me, I believed it and loved Him for it, but in reality I “knew” I didn’t deserve it. So I knew this gift wouldn’t work for me.

I was believing a lie.

    A lie so firmly entrenched in my heart that it was not even challenged. I mean people would tell me that Christ’s forgiveness would set me free and that it would work for everyone. I just knew it wouldn’t work for me, because I wouldn’t receive it.

How can you benefit from a gift until you receive it?
You can’t.

    The Lord showed me that he knew I didn’t deserve it. That wasn’t what it was about. He knew I needed it, and He loved too much, …..way too much…  not to help me back to Himself.  He couldn’t let me drown in my sin, it hurt Him too much to just stand by and watch, I do NOT have a passive heavenly Father!
     So He spent an enormous price, the most expensive, costly, difficult price a loving father could spend. He sent His only first born Son to die for me.
How can someone say “no” to a gift that has cost the giver the most important thing they have? It isn’t as if God can take it back if we refuse it. There is no return policy on this gift. God’s gift to us is a “ Finale Sale”. It is done, purchased, finished. It would be like saying to God that He wasted His Son’s death because we won’t receive it.

     To label a gift given with such sacrifice and love as not good enough to cover our  sins is to raise ourselves higher than Jesus himself . Do we really think that our sin is bigger than the Jesus’ death? If I had to compare the sins of one human against the creator of the universe’s Son’s death. The greater power is in the Son’s death.

He has convinced me,…. “I am His and He is mine, and His banner over me is love”